Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Burn Fat Sleep Quality

You know, the quality of sleep at night not only bring new energy and relaxation, but also stimulate the body's ability to burn fat, it is fatburning Furnace. According to the fitness and lifestyle expert, Christine Fee, adequate rest will produce more energy and lose weight.
"Ironically, many people underestimate the quality of sleep. Sleep can increase the body's ability to burn fat. During sleep, the body metabolize carbohydrates efficiently for use as an energy source, "said Christine Fee as quoted She Knows.
According to Christine, lack of sleep can impair metabolism and lead to stored fat increases. The impact is increased weight. Lack of sleep triggers hunger and increase appetite.
Christine reminded the importance of efforts to get good quality sleep. One of them with exercise. Exercise can reduce stress hormones in the body. The condition causes blood vessels calm and will lower blood pressure.
"All sports such as Pilates, aerobics or weight training will not produce a healthy slim bodies without the presence of quality sleep," says Christine.